Vancouver BC
Member Since August 2007
My Story
In March of 2007 I made a decision to start trying to become a healthier person. I started by changing the way that I ate, cutting out fast food and white carbohydrate rich foods from my diet and focusing on fresh vegetables,fruits, protein and complex carbs. I began to lose some weight but after losing about 30 lbs, I realized that I needed to add some exercise and physical movement to really make a difference. I had been a member of Curves four years earlier but hadn't really committed to the program. This time was different. I joined in August of 2007 and have tried to go to Curves five times a week ever since. I have since lost an additional 80lbs for a grand total of 110 lbs so far. Buying clothes right off the rack at any store I choose is so exciting..and the attention hasn't hurt either! People ask me what my goal weight is~ I don't actually have one! I want to keep eating in a healthy way, keep going to Curves and see where this journey takes me. I find the women that I work out with and my trainer Kate give me such encouragement and support that it is easy to stay committed this time. I actually feel off if I don't manage to make it in for a workout! 30 minutes a day is perfect for me and I am feeling better than I have in years. I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to make a change!
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