Member Since June 2008
My Story
When she comes into Curves holding onto her pink walker, everyone at our Denver Tech Center Curves is happy to see Esther Creswell, who, on August 12, will be 92 years young. Esther lives a block away from Curves and decided to join in June, 2008, to get herself stronger. She says her friends and neighbors in the retirement community ask her why she exercises. "You're so trim, you don't need to lose any weight", they tell her.
"I want to keep in shape", she explains, "and stay strong". Esther was one of our first members to give the new CurvesSmart system a try. She is up for anything!
Several months after joining Curves, Esther fell and broke her hip in four places walking home from the grocery store. We sent our wishes for her recovery but certainly didnt expect to see her for a long time.
Imagine the surprise and excitement when, only 3 months later, in walked Esther, this time using the pretty pink walker (a model that supports breast cancer.) She was pretty wobbly as she tried a few machines one day, a few more several days later and finally worked her way back to a complete workout. Esther was determined, because Esther had a goal: She wanted to walk into church without having to use either her walker or a cane. And on July 5, 2009, she did walk proudly into her churchcompletely under her own power.
Esther is the epitome of a Curves "woman" - strong, courageous and dedicated to making herself the best woman she can be. She is proof than we can all do it at any age. For that, we proudly nominate Esther Creswell as the Most Amazing Member EVER at Curves.
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