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Alison C.

Fort Worth

Member Since June 2006

My Story
There are a few reasons that I decided to join curves. The first reason was I woke up one morning and realized that I was getting ready to turn 29 which meant that the age of 30 was just around the corner! Yikes! I then thought of all the horror stories I have been told about the terrifying things that can happen to a woman's body after 30. I did not want any part of that! So I decided to become proactive. Stop things in their downward spiral! Right? Second, I just celebrated my 5 year wedding anniversary and realized that I had gained about 10 to 15 pounds since my wedding day and did not want to wake up on my 10th anniversary with an extra 15 to 20 pounds on me. The last reason I joined curves was that I wanted to become just overall healthier. I wanted to age in a way that would allow me to be conistently active. I do not want my body to fall victim to arthiritis, muscular degeneration, high blood pressure, or diabetes. So I joined curves. I remebered that there was a location two blocks away from my house. No one I have ever known had been a member. I went in strictly on faith. After my first year of going to curves, very dedicated to 4 days a week, my body fat % reached an excellent rating!!!! What an achievement! I was only one out of two members in my club that reached that goal. After my family and friends witnessed my sucess, I was able to get my best friend, co-worker, mother,cousin, and aunt to all join their local curves! About two years after I joined I got a promotion with my employer,Ralph Lauren. This new position required 90% travel. Wow!! What a challenge on the fitness front. Luckily I was a curves member and that I had a travel pass at my disposal!! No excuses I told myself. With tens of thousands of locations worldwide I could find a location everywhere I visit. So that is what I do. I make sure I always have an updated travel pass. Over the last 14 months since I have been traveling, and on a weekly basis I must add, I have not missed one week yet!!! I have continued to vist a curves 4 days a week!!! There are days that I fly into one city, fly into another one the same day and have my taxi take me to a curves and wait on me. It's only 30 min!!! Who can make an excuse for 30 min!!!! So if it wasn't for curves and the option for a travel pass, a busy business traveler like myself could not keep dedicated to improving their overall wellbeing! I absolutely love curves and am 100% dedicated to being consistent with my workouts and hope that through this contest I can help women stop making excuses for busy lives and find that everyone has 30 min in their day to take the step to become healthier!

My Photos


Shannon C. Posted 08:42 07/16/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Why am I voting for Alison? Well, other than she is my wife and best friend....it is that she is the prime example of what Curves provides to today's woman. The pride, friendship, drive and health benefits are just some of the things that I see everyday. I'm am very proud of her and thankful for Curves, it brings added joy to Ali's everyday life..and mine."
. Posted 05:19 07/21/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Deanna N. Posted 08:20 07/25/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"We are so proud of her dedication to the goals she has set for herself at curves. When she comes home for visits she is up early and headed to curves. That is the first thing she does most every day no matter where she is. We support her with our votes. Love, Mom and Dad"