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Pam B.

Banks, OR

Member Since March 2005

My Story
I Could Do It!

One day my grandson patted my tummy and said, Grandma, are you going to have a baby?

Thats it, I told myself. Im getting on an exercise program."

I had heard about Curves from a friend, and when she said, Their routine helps with body fat and ab reduction," I decided Curves was for me.

My hesitation surfaced because I am legally blind, hearing impaired and timid in group situations, but I am also determined.

I walked two and a half miles to the nearest Curves to sign up.

The women there patiently showed me the machines so I could operate them independently. Then to overcome my shyness and to feel accepted, I made a point of talking to at least one person every time I went. Outgoing people encouraged me.

I continued to walk to Curves rain or shine even with a leg hair line fracture. Some kind Curves members offered me rides during icy times.

Now I am remarried and live in the country. My husband doesnt want me to walk the busy roads on the way to Curves so I go with a buddy I have invited to join.

From going to Curves, I have learned confidence and made friends. And yes, my abs are not so pooched out. My grandson now calls me his "cute Grandma.


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