Member Since February 2008
My Story
Just over a year ago, I joined Curves. When I joined I relied on a cane for balance and support. I was chronically fatigued due to some ongoing health problems I live with.I wanted to go to curves. so, I rode public transportation. I began at curves using my cane and slowly working the circuit. I decided to keep at it. As the months went by,I became the calendar girl in July. Ii became easier to complete curcuit. My legs grew stronger and I had more energy.About five months ago, I tried to exercies without my cane and was successful. I kept my cane nearby just in case I had a problem. So far , there has been no problems. I no longer bring it to curves and now I do curves smart I have progressed from a weak ,tired woman to a more vital one. I have gained strength in my legs to the point that I have not fallen in a long time. I would not have been so brave if the staff and my fellow members had not been so encouraging. I thank Curves for their program. My Doctor says it is a good and I should continue.
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