Slave Lake Alberta Canada
Member Since October 2006
My Story
Nearly 3 years ago I had a bone density which showed I had Osteo-pino the start of Osteoporosis. I have a history of Osteoporosis in the maternal side of my family my Doctor recommended I start medication in order to stop it progressing. I am a very active 65 year old, I love walking,hiking swimming and gardening but have never done andy weight bearing resistance exercise. I heard that resistance training helps prevent bone disease so I decided to join Curves.
A little over a year later I had another bone density that showed my bones were normal. My Doctor and I were really pleased and he thought it was the medication. I told him about Curves and he recommended I come off the medication, continue with Curves not change my diet and have another bone density in a year. When I went back the follow year I was still showing normal bone density.
I stopped taking calcium supplements and eat a healthy diet that include calcium rich foods, continue being active and go to Curves at least 3 times a week.
So thank you Curves you not only help in weight control and exercise but in keep we women healthy in other ways too.
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