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Faye M.


Member Since January 2007

My Story
I am Faye Markham from Monroe, Michigan. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer 13 years ago and with fibromyalgia 7 years ago. I didnt have much energy and lived with pain every day from the fibromyalgia. I was even using a cane to walk.
Two years ago I went for my six month checkup with the rheumatologist and was told at the time that I needed to move around or I would stop moving; like a rusty bike chain stops moving. He suggested that I look into some type of exercise program that would work my muscles since I was getting weak, and he suggested Curves.
I started going to Curves three days a week at first, working with my instructor and now owner, Del Pacheco, along wit her daughter, Jackie Wheating, who encouraged me to change things in my diet and helped me incorporate other exercises. I learned from Del that the stretching really helps prevent the muscles from tightening up, which causes the pain that I have with fibromyalgia.
Within a few weeks at Curves, I was able to quit using my cane. After going to Curves for about four months, I gradually increased my exercise. Now I go six days a week, first thing in the morning before I go to work. The exercise gets my endorphins going so I feel great all day. I even have more energy now!
Now I have lost approximately 40 pounds, gained muscle, and have a firm build from going to Curves. People can hardly believe the size of clothes that I wear. Another great thing is that after six months of going to Curves, my rheumatologist took away three of my pain medications and I havent had to go back on them. I still have some bad days, but I get all of the support that I need from my instructors Del and Jackie and from my new friends at Curves, so that now I dont give up.


. Posted 02:52 07/17/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Karen . Posted 05:27 07/23/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are an awesome lady to endure that much and still be an upbeat person. I was at Curves yesterday when you were in."
Shannon C. Posted 08:17 07/28/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You go, Faye! We are all so proud of you."