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Jennifer G.


Member Since December 2002

My Story
My attempts at "weight management" has been the majority of my adult life. I lost over 100lbs prior to having my 6 yr old twins, of course I found out I was pregnant and went on to gain the majority of the weight back. After having them in January of 2003, it took a while to get back on the fit train, when I finally did I lost approximately 40 lbs, and found out I was pregnant again with my now 4 year old. After that I REALLY wanted to get back in the shape I had been in years prior. Since September of 2006 I have stuck with Curves, good eating habits, and other activities and have kept off approximately 110lbs. There is no magic pill or diet, it is just working hard and trying to moniter what you eat.


Pat K. Posted 05:35 06/24/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Jennifer, You are one of the most amazing woman, mom, wife, daughter and inspiring Curves members that I know. Thank you for posting your story and inspiring others! The best to you!! Fondly, Pat Kubic"