Member Since November 2006
My Story
Well! About 2 years ago (I was 24) I decided I needed something in my life to help me out. I wanted to lose weight and feel better about myself. I had been teaching math for two years and gotten the hang of it and liked the area I was for something to help me lose weight.
My mom was a curves member back when I lived at home and I knew it was an 'all-girl' gym so I thought with my busy schedule with teaching and coaching, what the heck, a 30-minute circuit couldn't be that bad, lets give it a shot!
I went to join curves. I started out going three times a week and that was about it. Then around March I really thought this thing could work if I put my everything into it. I started going 4 or sometimes 5 days a week and started getting better and better results from my "monthly weigh-in". When my curves got the SMART equipment, I got totally jazzed and was one of the first to do my test so I could umm GO FOR GREEN!
Well I am a total believer in curves now and can't wait to either start my day there over the summer and holidays or end my day there if I'm teaching! And whenever I travel, I always grab a curves pass because you can find one to work out at AYNWHERE!!!
I started curves at a size 22 and 240 lbs, now I wear 10/12 and have lost 70 lbs!! THANK YOU CURVES and a special thanks to the trainers who pumped me up and helped me achieve this amazing goal...the trainers at my curves--they are what gets you going when you don't think you can do it and they are AMAZING!!
As a side note the only athletic thing I've ever done was the circuit. Now I regularly run and bike. This April with 2 co-workers I even completed an adventure race which is about 15 miles of running, biking, canoeing, and swimming. CURVES has truly changed my life!
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