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Lin B.


Member Since February 2006

My Story
I owe my ability to work to my Curves. I teach Music to babies, toddlers and older adults. To be able to get up and down off the floor for my 15 classes per week, I
am indebted to Curves. I inspire young moms to get back in shape and stay there.
When they see me, a nearly 60 year old woman jumping and jiving, up and down off the floor several times during the half hour class, they marvel and ask me how I do it. I always share that I go to my Curves 6 days a week and do my Smart workout in a short half-hour and continue my day. They cannot believe I have four kids and 7 part-time jobs. I am also "LadyStorytell" And do programs for schools, Libraries and birthday parties - I have to fit into many costumes and because I go to curves I can still wear costumes made for 20 year-olds. Thank-you Curves! I was never a gym person because it took too long and there was little interaction. Curves changed all that for me. I also go to 7 nursing homes each week and I see first hand that is you don't use it you lose it. So my work with the young and the old inspires me to work out 6 days a week a Curves
If I can fit it into my seven-job schedule. I believe anyone can.


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