Oviedo, Fl
Member Since May 2004
My Story
I joined Curves when I was living in Titusville, FL, and then found another studio when I moved to Oviedo. Well, in 2006, while still living in Titusville, I was unable to get a heartbeat count during the regular workout routine. I let it go on for several days before finally mentioning the episode to a friend who was a nurse. She tried and could not get a count and said I needed to see a cardiologist immediately. Since I did not know any, she called one and made an appointment for me for the very next day. I was diagnoised with atrial fibrillation, and the doctor said the reason I could not get a count was because my heart was beating too fast for the human ear to hear!
So, I credit Curves with saving my life because I had no symptoms that alerted me to the fact that my heart was not functioning properly.
Since then, I take daily medications, visit my cardiologist on a regular basis, and continue to enjoy going for my Curves' workout twice around the circuit at least three times a week.
Thank you, Curves!!!
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