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Windy K.


Member Since March 2008

My Story
I consider myself to be an typical women, with typical "opportunities." I was an active high school student who never had to worry about weight. I was by no means a thin teenager but I didn't have to fret over weight. Then I went to college, and put on the freshman twenty. Except the weight gain didn't stop over the next three years. I graduated, started my career, bought a house and was married all in three months....and I was off to the races of life. The weight kept slowly packing on. I had a daughter at 28 years old. I managed to not put weight on during pregnancy but after I had my daughter, I gained around fifty pounds. All the time thinking, I guess this is how I was meant to be. Well, a few years go by and we decide its time to try for another child. Well, after the second miscarriage I had an epiphany and decided something needs to change. My weight! My doctors never told me it was a potential cause but deep down I knew it wasn't helping. So I joined Curves. I am in my 15th month at Curves and have lost 67 pounds as a member, 85 pounds total. My husband and I are talking about expanding our family again but if it doesn't work out, I still have improved my health for my daughter, myself and the rest of my family.


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