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Allison S.


Member Since December 2008

My Story
It begins like many others. Even though I don't have any severe health issues I have struggled with my weight almost all my life from early teen to adulthood. I would diet and lose weight but it always crept back on. I finally reached my "breaking point" at age 28 when I realized that I hadn't lost the 60 pounds of "baby weight" I had gained while pregnant with my son. I kept telling myself, "I'm pregnant, I can eat whatever I want" & "Don't worry, you'll lose the weight eventually". For almost 2 years after he was born I had taken comfort in knowing that my son would love me no matter what I looked like, but I didn't want to be the overweight mom who always wore baggy clothes to hide her figure and who couldn't look at herself in the mirror without wanting to cry. I used to ask myself, How could I let myself go like that? How did this happen? Looking back, I know how it happened, I just didn't know where to go from there. In December of 2008 I received a gift from Diane(Owner of Curves in Sycamore)whom I lovingly refer to as my angel in disguise. Out of the blue she gave me a free month's membership that would inevitably change my life forever. I started Curves at the heaviest weight I had ever been, I knew I had a long road ahead of me, but I was determined to to become a better me; a better mother to my son. I lost 11 pounds in that free month and to date have lost over 67 pounds and 48 1/4 inches during my first year as a curves member. We now jokingly refer to my monthly weigh in as our favorite time of the month. I welcome the scale instead of fearing it. I look forward to getting up in the morning and going to curves 5 days a week. I am dedicated to losing the remaining 25 pounds to reach my goal weight by next January. I have loved coming to Curves so much that I accepted a job at my local Curves with the opportunity to encourage my fellow members to do the same. Through this life changing journey I have learned to love and respect myself again. I've also learned that I'm not only an amazing curves member but I'm also an amazing mother, friend, and athlete. I now look forward to the rest of my life and it makes all my hard work worth while when I hear my son say "Momma pretty".

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William M. Posted 07:06 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Way to go, Alli. Keep up the good work. We're all rootin' for ya."
Roxanne S. Posted 02:49 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You go girl!! Keep it up!! You can do it...if I can do it, you can do it!! :) Course now i'm preggers again so I'll have to do it all over again soon...at least I have the confidence now knowing it will happen :) "
Corinne B. Posted 07:04 07/4/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Yeah Ali!!!!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!! "