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Ashley B.


Member Since September 2007

My Story
Everyone has a story of how they put on the weight! Mine begins like many others in that I had a baby. My problem was that I was overweight before I even got pregnant. My doctor even suggested I try to lose some weight before getting pregnant, and I did! How wonderful! I lost 14 pounds! But then I did get pregnant and had a very handsome little man in July 2005. I managed my weight fairly well during pregnancy, only gaining 32 pounds. I also nursed my new baby, so my weight came off quickly. However, as soon as I quit nursing and settled into my new mommy routine, I began to gain those pounds back. I did not like this new me, but was comfortable using being a new mommy as my excuse.
I was soon hit by personal tragedy. In March of 2006, my husband, who was a police officer, was killed in the line of duty. My son was only nine months old. I had a wonderful group of family and friends who rallied around me and offered their support, but I also consoled myself with food. For a single mom, there was no need in cooking supper for one person when it so easy to stop and pick something up. There were times when I ate nothing or felt sick. My weight was like a roller coaster. It would go up and then down, but it finally went up and stayed up!
In May 2007, I decided that I was tired of being overweight and tired and that I needed to lose weight. Before joining Curves I committed myself to make a change in the kinds of foods that I was eating. By choosing a diet made up of mostly meats, vegetables, and fruits, and by creating smaller portions, I was able to lose about twenty pounds in a few months. I had begun a new life! How exciting! I had already begun by taking a year off from work to return to college in August, but I wanted loosing weight to also be a part of that change. I needed some time for me! But I also knew that exercise would eventually need to be a part of my routine. This was the best time to start! I already had a somewhat looser schedule and could put exercise in my routine. In late September of 2007, I joined Curves. I continued to eat sensibly, but also began exercising three days a week, sometimes four. Curves suggests making two rounds around the circuit, but I committed myself to doing three. Since I joined Curves in 2007, I have lost 38 more pounds, more than 39 inches, and almost 6% body fat. I have also dropped four pants sizes, moving out of plus sizes and back into the misses sizes. And now almost two years later, I continue to go regularly each week. Success is definitely possible at Curves, and Im living proof!

My Photos


Sharon P. Posted 06:18 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Your story brought tears to my eyes! You are truly an inspiration to all of us! I just want to say congratulations to you and keep up the great work! "