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Jennifer A.


Member Since January 2009

My Story
When I joined Curves at the end of January I had no idea how much it would change my life.

Since changing jobs 5 years ago my weight had crept up slowly...and then had been out of control. I had fallen into the depression of being overweight and caught in a vicious circle. I ate because I was depressed, then became more depressed because I was over weight. I never had any energy, found myself getting sick easily and just couldn't get enough sleep. The typical story.

I had used every excuse in the book not to work out...I didn't have the energy, the time or the money! The funny thing is that I was spending more money on fast food in a month than it would cost me to work out at Curves!

One day I woke up and told myself "Today is the day.... time to change my lifestyle!". I started working out with the Curves Smart System, followed healthier eating habits, and couldn't believe how much better I felt about myself!

Since joining in January I have lost over 40lbs, more than 30 inches and have gained back the self-esteem and the drive to continue my journey on getting healthy.

I find myself walking to places instead of driving and wanting to make healthier food choices daily. I completed a 10km chairity walk in and hour and a half, and look forward to staying active and living a healthy lifestyle.

When travelling out of town and even across the country on vacation (Arlington,TX) I have used a travel pass to attend other Curves and worked out while I was away from home!

I have been a member of gyms before, but Curves is truly different. The work out is amazing, you get out of it just what you put into it! I love the fact that it is quick and I leave feeling so energized!!

The staff and members are so friendly that it makes me want to come in and work out without hesitation...all ages, shapes and sizes all there for a common goal...getting healthy!

My Photos


Florence L. Posted 01:26 06/27/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"way to go jen...wow, i am so happy for you....you just inspired me....keep it up, you are an inspiration"
Laura A. Posted 01:45 06/27/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Wow that is amazing!! Good for you. I think I might join curves now. Your story is inspirational. Thanks for sharing you story."
Sharron A. Posted 06:37 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"so proud of you Jen, what a great job you have done and you look fantastic and your energy shows...keep it up..."
Sue . Posted 05:13 07/5/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"jennifer.... curves has certianly put back the curves on you!!! I have heard of it...but until now I thought it was just like all the other january promises of broken gym membership...I see the results... curves is working!!!!!"
Erin D. Posted 05:43 07/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"WAY TO GO SISTER!!! Everything has its time and this is YOURS!!!!!!! You look amazing and your change in attitude and overall spirit is absolutely amazing!!!!! I am sooooo happy that you are happy and have found something that you enjoy and works for you!!! Keep it up sister!!!! xoxo"