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Janeen E.


Member Since October 2003

My Story
When I joined Curves in 2003 I was one of the first 100 members to sign up. I felt comfortable at Curves from the minute I walked through the door. As I climbed onto the scales, as the tape measure was slipped around waist, hips and thighs embarrassed at the numbers being recorded, I prayed Curves would be the answer! Today I am happy to say I have shed 67 pounds, 10 inches in each thigh, 10 inches in my hips, 6 inches in each arm, 7 inches in my waist, and 6 inches in my bust. I have kept the weight off for over 2 years. Never in my life had I been able to keep weight off - sure I could lose it, but the key to success is maintaining weight loss!

The journey has been so rewarding, although there have been a few set backs along the way. I was just reaching my peak on the Smart Program, burning off 400 calories in a half hour. I was so excited - my energy level was better at 56 than it had been in my 30's! I felt confident and in control of my health for the first time in my life.

Imagine my surprise when I went for a routine mammogram in August of 2008 and a lump was discovered. A core biopsy was performed two weeks later, the lump was indeed cancer. My workout came to a complete halt. Surgery was to be performed on September 12.

On March 4, after 6 rounds of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation I returned to Curves in late March. Imagine my disappoint when I could barely make it around the circuit with the Smart Program. My energy level was zapped. My calorie burn - 189 from 400! My first week back I was able to perform only one workout! I actually remember crying upon leaving one evening, I was so exhausted. But I never gave up!

Since May I have been on the circuit 4 or 5 times a week! Today my calorie burn level was 398! My goal is to reach 400 before August! Curves has been a lifesaver for me. The support I received and continue to receive from other members and the staff at my club cannot be expressed in words. I gained 15 pounds during my treatment. Since March I have lost that 15 plus 7 more. I have about another 45 pounds to lose, but know I will have continued success with CURVES! Thanks You CURVES! Thank You God. Count your blessings every day, I know I do!

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Janeen E. Posted 07:53 06/29/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"My Curves - My Life!"
Pat P. Posted 07:14 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Janeen is my sister and I was unable to be with her during her cancer surgery and treatments.I love in Tenn. Shes a amazing women and I am so proud of her the accoumplishments shes made in Curves and in her life with Cancer. All her life shes struggled with this weight problem and tried everything and finally thanks to Curves shes been able to almost reach her goal and keep it off. I thank God for my sister, and her survival through all of this. Love You Pat"
Linda C. Posted 01:34 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I am so proud to call Janeen my friend....smart, funny and determined, she is remarkable! "
Brenda C. Posted 07:39 07/6/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Pat is my friend and I work as an oncology RN in Charleston SC. Through Pat, I've followed Janeen's adventure and all I can say is wow! What an amazing woman and recovery story!"
Diane M. Posted 11:23 07/27/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I am a Curves Coach where Janeen works out. She is such an amazing woman, strong, energetic and doesn't let anything get her down. She is truly an inspiration to all women and we love having her in our club. Good luck, Janeen. You truly deserve to win."