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Deborah R.


Member Since October 2007

My Story
I feel that I am an amazing Curves member because I have an unusual job for a woman and because of what I have been able to accomplish through Curves. I drive a tandem axle dump truck and haul asphalt for a local paving company. To do this job effectively, I need to be physically strong and agile; but at 5'2" weighing over 200 pounds, and having a pack a day smoking habit, I was neither.

Three years ago I was able to quit smoking, but I started putting on even more weight because food had never tasted so good! Deep down I knew I had to develop a healthier life style . It was important for me to do this and even more important for my husband and family.

October 27 ,2007 was the day I blindly walked into Curves in Barnesville,Ohio, wearing my work clothes and steel-toed boots stained with diesel fuel! The only thing that I knew was that Curves was a place for women to exercise, and it was close to home.Knowing that I would soon be out of work for the winter, I knew my situation would get even worse because I would have more time to eat and sleep.even though I was dressed in my work clothes, Lynda Mayberry, welcomed me and explained that Curves offered an excellent workout program as well as a great weight management class. I liked the fact that I could work out and learn a safe healthy way to loose thus ensuring my long term success.

Working out at Curves put me in touch with other women in my community who had the same goals that I had. It has also become therapy because of the support of those other members and the Curves staff. I have used the Curves shakes and supplements throughout my weight loss journey. They have been great aids to achieving success with my program. I weighed 243 pounds that October day in 2007. Today I weigh 148 pounds! That is an amazing feat for me.I get up everyday at 4:00 AM and usually don't get home till 7:30 PM, but I always make time to work out at Curves and eat a healthy diet, which includes my daily curves shake. I am now strong enough and agile enough to climb in and out of the bed of my truck easily and can shovel on a hot day with out becoming short of breath.

Sometimes life is not easy and it may not go just the way I planned. I still fight with emotional eating some days. A quote from Diane magazine, "There is no food that taste as good as thin feels ," is so true and keeps me going! I feel great!

I amaze myself with my own perseverance and strong will to live a happy and healthy life for me and for my family. Thank you, Curves!!


M M. Posted 12:27 07/15/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You're my hero for sticking to it. Quitting smoking is tough enough, but you kept going."
Lynda M. Posted 06:25 07/16/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Debbie continues to support other members in her journey of weight loss, she even purchased a t-shirt to give another member that she met in a club while traveling. She has given this her all and is just shy of reaching her 100 lb. goal. Go Debbie!"