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Nina J.

Olivehurst (Plumas Lake)

Member Since August 2007

My Story
I first joined Curves two years ago; partially on the advice of my husband, and partially because exercising at home with workout DVDs wasnt working for me. I didnt have the right motivation to keep with it. I would sometime go weeks without exercising. As a result, my weight ballooned up to over 178 pounds. At 54, that put me just in the BMI range of obese, and put me at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and other health problems.

Then a Curves gym opened up less than a mile away from where I live, so my husband dropped by and picked up a gift card from the manager there. He gave it to me and encouraged me to drop by and give it a try. I was hesitant at first, but I had to face the realization that what I was doing on my own wasnt working for me, and I needed to try something else. That and he said I was getting thicker " never a good thing to hear from your husband! I went in the next week, got weighed and measured, reluctantly joined up, and started working out 3 times a week. If I didnt show up to work out for a couple of days, one of the trainers would call me up and ask if I was okay. The trainers were highly motivated, and easily motivated me to stick with it. After one month, I lost 3 pounds. I lost another 2 pounds the following month, and realized my pants were feeling loose. I then felt motivated to make small changes in my diet: Drinking non fat milk instead of low fat; drinking less soda; eating 100 calorie snacks (LOVE the Curves granola bars and popcorn!).

Now its two years later: I have put in over 300 workouts; I have lost over 20 pounds and over 24 inches overall! I can now fit clothes I havent been able to wear for over three years, and need a belt to hold up pants that were snug on me two years before! I am constantly receiving complements from my husband and coworkers on how much weight Ive lost. The only times Ive missed working out at least 3 times a week is because of illness, injury, or out of town vacation where I couldnt find a nearby Curves.

Even though times are now tough financially for my husband and me, he has stated that no matter how bad things get for us, Im NOT quitting Curves. I whole heartedly agree with him. Joining Curves was one of the best things Ive done for myself.


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