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Nadyne C.

North Platte

Member Since July 1999

My Story
My Curves story begins when I met my second cousin in 1999. "She looks pretty good," I thought, "just a little heavy." Later, when I saw a picture of us, I realized I was also "a little heavy." I had walked miles every week with minimal results. Something needed to be done about my weight and health problems if I was to be an available servant of God, as I hoped.

That summer, Curves, a new fitness center for women opened in my town. I purchased my first membership with birthday money my mother gave me. My life was forever changed. As I increased the regularity and intensity of workouts, I experienced weight loss and improved physical fitness.

My flexibility improved as I learned to stretch after workouts. Now, I could get on a horse without a boost. I felt more like a cowgirl and was proud to wear western clothes in smaller sizes. (My daughter is an accomplished horsewoman and I enjoyed helping her at horse shows.)

In 2002 Gary Heavin wrote, "Permanent Results without Permanent Dieting Workbook." I studied his guidelines, based on current science, for weight loss and management. I worked independently to follow the three phases of the program since my faculty position at the local community college kept me too busy for a class. Pounds dropped and I stopped wearing "big" clothes and delighted in wearing "fitted" clothing. Ten years later I am more muscular and weigh twenty pounds less.

When a marriage gone awry came apart in 2001, I was divorced. By the fall of 2004 I began enjoying a new relationship with a gentleman. (We met at a dance and are now married.) Since he was in production agriculture where harvest time demands long, hard work, I located humorous stories he might share with the harvesters. One evening, after my workout, I read a funny story outloud at I walked to my car. I planned to share it with him that evening. Suddently, I spipped on a wet curb and found myself flat on the brick street. In the dark and alone, I managed to rise, stumble back to Curves, open the door, slump into a couch, and weakly call for help. Later, I was treated for a dislocated right shoulder and fractured left arm. Some might quit Curves, but when I completed physical therapy and the cast was removed, I resumed workouts and stretching to strengthen my shoulder, arm and body.

About this time two friends from Curves and I went white water rafting on the Poudre River in Colorado. The rafting was glorious and exciting until the raft hit a boulder. Passengers spilled into the rapids. Fortunately, our guide rescued everyone. We each sustained injuries, but soon returned to Curves. "We are blessed, strong, courageous, Curves women."

For me, Curves and Curves women are vital through joy and adversity because my physical, emotional, and spiritual health prosper. As a woman of God, I seek to be "equipped for every good work He requires of me."


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