Member Since June 2004
My Story
Hello, I have been a Curves member for 5 years and I am 38 years old. I joined Curves in June of 2004 because I had quit smoking a couple days before and knew that I couldn't afford to gain any more weight. I had been overweight my whole life and have tried many diets. I had lost weight and gained more back , so I was afraid of quitting smoking , because seems like "everyone" gains weight after you quit. I had a friend that was a memeber and she liked it a lot so I decided to give it a try. The first year I didn't change any of my eating habits. I did the Curves workout 3 times a week and after a year I had lost around 10 pounds and a few inches. June of 2005 I found out that I was a type 2 diabetic. I think that was the extra encouragement I needed to get serious about losing weight. I adjusted my portion sizes and ate fruits and vegatables(I never did before). It took me around 3 years and with encouragement from my family, friends and Curves friends I finally made the Curves 100 Club. I have had 2 coworkers come up to me and told me that I was the encouragement that they needed to lose weight. They though if I could do it then so could they. One of them lost 135 pounds and the other 42 pounds the last I had spoke to them. Besides my own satisfaction of accomplishing my goal , it makes me feel good that I have helped and gave so much encouragement to others.
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