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Debra V.


Member Since March 2007

My Story
I joined Curves - Klein West in March 2007, and I can say without a doubt it has changed my life, body and spirit for the better! When I came to Curves I had recently ended a 20+ year marriage, returned to graduate school after over 25 years of being away from a college environment, and was in desperate need of a healthier lifestyle.

My eating habits had become atrocious, mostly because I would leave my regular 8-hour job in municipal government, headed to the University of Houston for my graduate school classes, and then stop by the nearest fast-food restaurant on my way home for whatever quick, greasy and unhealthy food that I could quickly consume. This caused me to have problems managing my blood pressure, and glucose levels. (Note: I have hypertension and type 2 diabetes). I knew I had to do something quickly before my health became any worse. I went to my doctor for a consultation, and she made some adjustments with my medications. Along with those adjustments, she also recommended that I start exercising. I told her that my schedule was too busy, and that I did not have time to attend a conventional gym. I contacted my sister who had just recently become a member of a local Curves, and she recommended it highly. She said that every woman should be able to take 30-minutes out of their busy schedules to take care of their health and wellness. She was absolutely right!

I decided to join during the March Food Drive of 2007, and that was the beginning of a life changing experience. The manager of our local Curves was very helpful and encouraging. She patiently, and enthusiastically demonstrated how to use each and every piece of equipment, and let me know that by coming three times a week I could trim down, lose weight, and feel better within a few short weeks, if I was consistent with my attendance and exercise efforts. I also found it encouraging to meet other members, some in their twenties, thirties, forties, fifties and even seventies who were a testimony to the amazing Curves experience. The Curves circuit is a great way to exercise, unwind and socialize with other ladies who take their health and well-being seriously.

Well, I am happy to report, that over the past two years I have gone down three dress sizes. When I started Curves I was a size 16, I am now a size 12,and am working for that size 10 that I wore so well in college over 25 years ago. I have lost over 50 inches off of my body and over 20 pounds. I am a new woman! My doctor even says if I keep this up, I could possibly be able to come off of my medications in a few more months. I get compliments on a consistent basis from my co-workers, and friends who tell me that I look younger, and am truly an inspiration on how a woman going into her 50s can turn her looks and health completely around by joining a fitness club that makes trimming down and losing weight easy and affordable. It is something you just cannot afford not to do for yourself!

Take it from me, Curves works, and it will work for you too! Stop by your local Curves today, and become the healthy, happy and fit woman your were meant to be. I did, and I would not have it any other way!

My blood pressure and glucose levels are better controlled, and now I don't only go to Curves three times a week, but sometimes I am able to attend an additional day or more just because it makes me feel even more energized. Curves is now a part of my lifestyle!

I am a happy, healthy, energized member of Curves - Klein West. Remember, with God all things are possible!

My Photos


Gabriele S. Posted 08:01 06/23/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Debra, you are an amazing woman! I have watched you literally shrink before my eyes, and you truly are an inspiration. Keep up the good work, Diva!"
Beverly L. Posted 08:15 06/23/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Way to go, great success story, keep up the good work."
Mary Ann S. Posted 10:39 06/23/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You go girl! Keep up the commitment to your new lifestyle and you will be off your meds and in that size 10 in no time. You are in inspiration to all of us! "
Carlene J. Posted 12:18 06/29/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Awesome testimony Debra!"
Stephanie R. Posted 10:44 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I am very happy for you Debra. Keep up the great work. God bless you."
. Posted 10:03 07/4/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Johnnie J. Posted 10:19 07/4/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Great job Debra, you can do it. Keep up the good work. That is a great testimony and I know it is an inspiration to a lot of people that doubted themselves. May God continueto give you the determination and keep you focused on being healthy. I am inspired."
Wanda R. Posted 07:24 07/13/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Debra: I'm so very proud of you and your accomplishments. Wanda R."
Carolyn J. Posted 02:22 07/13/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Girl this good"
Frank M. Posted 06:58 07/14/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I have watched Debra's steely eyed daily determination to change her life and she has energized people around her. What an inspiration!"
Gail B. Posted 07:08 07/14/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I am soo proud of you. I have watched you over the years and this is the best of you. I have a big smile on my face from reading your letter. Very proud of you!! "
Imelda V. Posted 07:33 07/14/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are such a beautiful woman and you glow with confidence. I know that you will reach that 10. "
Deborah J. Posted 01:22 07/14/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Fascinating story, congrats on your new look and going back to school-very encouraging!!!"
Dinah B. Posted 01:38 07/14/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Keep the good work up!"
Earnestine M. Posted 02:31 07/14/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Ms. Debra you are an amazing person. I admire your courage to enhance your lifestyle, your consistancy and faithfullness. In fact it is a blessing to read your testimony. Praise God for whom all blessing flow. You go girl you are going to reach your goal."
Amalia T. Posted 06:31 07/15/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"There are so many beautiful things to say about Debra. In this specific case, she is determined and tenacious. I have seen amazing changes in her physical appearance since she started going to CURVES. Now she is younger and happier than ever. I love and admire Debra Veal. "
Terri C. Posted 06:53 07/15/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Debra,my Friend,you have always been an amazing and determined woman. You know how to get the job done. Congrats,your spirit glows. "
Kai G. Posted 07:19 07/15/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You don't know me, but i'm a friend of Terri. I read your story and you are quite an inspiration! Keep up the great work!"
Jackie P. Posted 01:22 07/21/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Debra is an amazing lady! She is a goal-oriented, dedicated, radiant, confident woman that that I admire and respect. "
Marina J. Posted 07:45 07/22/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Debra, I'm so proud of you! You are an inspiration to me. Yes, with God all things are possible!!You are a living testimony!!! "
Shelva V. Posted 08:59 07/23/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Debra, I am so proud of you. You look good. You have gone through very difficult events these past few years. You are a spiritual and determined woman. You are living proof that God will take care of you. Love and admiration Aunt Jean"
. Posted 07:48 07/24/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Robin A. Posted 06:14 07/25/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Congratulations! What an amazing story you have. Keep up the good work and I know you will get back in size 10, and off of the medications. Praise God!"
Bianca P. Posted 07:01 07/26/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"This is a truly inspirational story! You are living proof that vision, courage, and action make wonderful things happen. Congratulations, not only on your present (and future) successes, but your improved health as well! Cheers! "
Valerie . Posted 08:06 08/6/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Debra ~ you have just giving me the inspiration I needed. I had joined Curves but I found the circuit boring but I was amazed at how much you can do in such a short time. After reading your testimony I belienve I will go back an rejoin. Thank you and God Bless you."
Jo O. Posted 03:33 09/8/2009 - flag as inappropriate