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Sandra W.


Member Since March 2008

My Story
June 2008, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I was already on medication for hypertension. I had gone on a metabolic diet the year before and lost 30 pounds but in less than 6 months I gained most of the weight back. I have two great friends who helped me decide to join Curves.
In fact, we are known as the THREE DIVAS! And for sure, we are DIVAS after a year at Curves. In nine months time, I lost 18 pounds and I've maintained so far. The owner of our Curves is like our private coach and she keeps my momentum going. Of course I have bad days and good days but the good out number the bad. You see, I know going to Curves three times a week is so good for me that I go even when I feel weary and have no energy. Yet, when I finish the circuit, I say to my Diva friends, "I'm so glad I came today, I feel so much better!"
I am proud to say that I am managing my diabetes (I may get off my meds soon) and my hypertension is under control. Better than this, I am eating better and striving to be heart healthy when at home and when dining out. Our owner keeps us apprised of all Curves has to offer in nutrition and I have a whole closet full of T-Shirts! (smiles) I wear them proudly and get lots of positive comments when I go about in public.


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