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Deborah B.

Roseville, CA

Member Since June 2008

My Story
I have been overweight most of my life. I can recall being put on a diet by my Mother and Grandmother when I was a child. I used to hide any candy I was able to get so that no one thought I was cheating. Of course, they wondered why I did not lose weight. My Grandmother eventually paid for me to attend Weight Watchers. I really hated it because you had to weigh-in in front of the rest of the people. I thought as a teenager that this was a very humiliating thing. I stopped going.

Over the years, I tried numerous diets but never stuck to anything. I married, had children and divorced. Through this all, my weight continued to climb. My highest weight was 294!!! I felt hideous and was not able to ride roller coasters with my boys " a huge embarrassment! My doctor was concerned and asked me what I planned to do about it. I was convinced that I would never lose the weight for good and so told him I was going to wish it away.

Then a few years ago, my Grandmother had a stroke. Thankfully, it was not too severe, but my Mother had to move in with her to take care of her. I helped on weekends and other times when I could. I truly enjoyed and cherished this time with her. However, during this time, my Mother, who has always been worried about my weight and its effect on my health, sat me down and with tears in her eyes begged me to lose weight. Before, it was just motherly nagging, but now I could see that it was out of true love and concern for me that she wanted this. This really hit home. About this time, a photo was taken of me, my Mother and Grandmother. I was appalled because one of me was larger than the two of them together! From this time forward, I tried to eat better, but found it difficult without some structure and guidance. I joined an online diet program and this helped because I was able to plan healthy weekly menus. I was now not just shooting in the dark. I began to see the weight come off, slowly, but off none-the-less. I became motivated to do more.

It was still difficult to find time to exercise, but I knew that if I was to continue to lose weight, I had to find the time. One day I received the PennySaver and on the front was an advertisement for the Curves / Avon Fitness Study. I decided that I had to join and if the first month worked out well, I would join Curves permanently. I had tried gyms before and felt so out of place. I had even tried another womans gym many years ago and was absolutely lost when it came to their machines and what to do on them! This time would be different. I felt immediately at home and welcome there. Pat, the staff member at our Roseville, California Curves was so helpful and encouraging! The members made me feel immediately welcome. Each weigh in brought cheers and congratulations from them all.

After that first month, I had lost 13 pounds and 6 inches!!! Pat was so excited she gave me a hug and jumped up and down. I was excided too. When I told my Mother, she said that Grandma, who had since passed away, would be proud of me. I am proud of me too. I was made Elite Member of the month and took a photo of me holding a goal dress. That dress has hung on the inside of my home office door ever since to remind me of just one of the things I am working towards.

This year has marked many milestones for me. I joined Train to End Stroke in honor of my Grandmother in addition to many others who have died from or are victims of stoke. I earned money for the American Stroke Association while training to participate in a half marathon. I complete the marathon in May of this year " something I never thought I could do. I am now training to participate in a triathalon in August! I truly am enjoying the healthy, happy and alive feelings I have developed since joining Curves.

People at my office began to notice my weight loss. People have started calling me skinny! One co-worker has nick-named me slim! Many of them have told me that I have motivated them to become healthier too. This encouraged me to begin a Biggest Loser contest at the office. Our first round of 12 weeks had 18 participants out of an office of about 75. Our group lost a total of 139.6 pounds " 4.33% of body weight! As part of this program, we gathered food as we lost the weight. The food was given to a local food bank at the end of the program. Many are anxious to start again. Through this I have learned that weighing in front of others is not so humiliating and it keeps you accountable to yourself and to others. I am so glad that I could be help to others in reaching their health oriented goals and to be of help to the local community members who might be in need.

When people ask me what I am doing, I always tell them that I work out at Curves, and oh, I am eating healthier too. Curves is always the first thing out of my mouth. Without it, I am sure I could not have made the gains (actually the losses), I have made so far.

My one year anniversary with Curves was June 10, 2009. Since I joined, I have lost 99 pounds, 74 inches and 13% body fat! I really wanted to hit that elusive 100 pound lost in one year at Curves mark, but I know I will reach that and more in the coming months and years while I stay with Curves. I have lost a total of 116 pounds since I began my weight loss journey. I know that I will continue to amaze myself and others with what can be done with Curves as your healthy lifestyle partner!

My Photos


Sandy S. Posted 08:20 06/30/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"We are proud and excited about Deborah's results. She is an inspiration to others. Sandy Shepardson, Owner"
Pat C. Posted 04:16 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You go girl!! I can't wait until July 10th to watch you go over the 100 lb mark that you work to hard to achieve. You are my inspiration."
. Posted 04:38 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Jacquie G. Posted 04:39 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I am so proud of all she sha done and I know Grandma would be too. mom"
Janet L. Posted 02:22 07/5/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I am do proud of what you have done! You are amazing and definitely an inspiration to me! Love, Janet"
Angela H. Posted 08:56 07/7/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"An amazing achievement and we are all very proud of you for not only yourself, but for including us in your journey. We are all heathier in body and spirit because of you :) "
Kathy M. Posted 08:57 07/8/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I am so proud of and encouraged by you at the same time! God bless you!"
Tiffani V. Posted 02:47 07/13/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Debbie, You look good. keep up the good work. Tiffani"
. Posted 05:32 07/15/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Ed G. Posted 05:35 07/15/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Great job Debbie! Keep up the good work. I'm so proud of you. Love Ed"
JACQUIE G. Posted 01:22 08/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Susan C. Posted 01:12 10/17/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I just started at this Curves, and havent gone much lately... but your story is inspirational! Congrats on all your success! I hope to meet you one day while in working out! keep up the great work!"