Member Since March 2008
My Story
My name is Sandy and I'm a 5'3", 38 year old homeschool mom of three. When I started Curves on March 19, 2008, I weighed 219 pounds and my body fat analysis was off the chart. In 14 months, I have lost 83 pounds, 73.5 inches, and 60.43 pounds of body fat by working out at Curves 3 days a week, walking 30-40 minutes 3 days a week, and watching what I eat. Praise the Lord! I now weigh 136 pounds and have gone from a size 24/26 to a size 6/8 or 8/10.
At my heaviest, I weighed 246 pounds. That was in 2005. I was so overwhelmed and filled with shame that it wasn't until 2006 that I got serious and began walking our home treadmill. It was hard to keep motivated on my own and I was distracted by things to be done around the house, so exercising became sporadic. Also, I hadn't changed my eating habits.
In 2008, I did get serious. I realized my health is important. I have a husband and three kids who need me, and ministry opportunities at church which poor health would make difficult. I prayed and told the Lord that if He would give the energy and grace, I would do what was necessary to exercise and eat right.
I began exercising faithfully 3 times a week at Curves. Some mornings I had to fight discouragement and drag myself in, but I never regretted going, and always left encouraged by the ladies and by knowing I had done what was necessary. I then added walking 30 minutes on my off Curves days.
I began changing my eating habits by cutting my portion sizes in half or more, turning to whole-grains and natural ingredients, and drinking lots of water. I also chewed gum to avoid eating when I wasn't really hungry. I started juicing fruits and vegetables for extra nutrients and fiber, and realized they also gave natural energy and even satisfied my sweet tooth! One protein shake a day helped me feel full and reduced the risk of overeating at meals. I learned that moderation in my diet, not deprivation, is a key.
My body and my health began to change. My body shape is more defined now instead of just round. My cholesterol levels are now normal and my doctor has taken me off one hypertension medication and possibly another. Amazingly, now I love to exercise and miss it if I cant!
I haven't always eaten perfectly or exercised the best I could, but I'm learning that beating myself up over mistakes doesn't help. Tomorrow is a new day with new promises and focusing negatively on today's mistakes will only hinder it. I know I can maintain these changes in my weight and health if I remember that this lifetime journey is not derailed by my mistakes if I will just pick myself up, get back on track, and continue on.
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