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Ann M.

Russell, Ontario

Member Since April 2007

My Story
I began my journey with curves in 2007. Upon receiving the news that I was diagnosed with breast cancer I knew I was in for the fight of my life. After a mastectomy and a long road to recovery; I was left feeling broken emotionally and physically. Being physically fit for so many years it made it heartbreaking to not be able to lift one of my arms over my head. After a routine trip to my physiotherapist she recommended that I give Curves a try.
After a slight hesitation I ventured down and felt welcomed from the minute that I walked through the door. After a couple of months of close monitored guidance, I was surprisingly regaining my mobility. My attitude began to change and my whole outlook on life began to shift. Year after year I renewed my membership and I continued to build endless friendships and a healthier lifestyle. There were times when I would miss a few days due to illness and without a doubt I would receive a call from my coach offering any support necessary to get me back into my routine.
In 2007 we were devastated to learn that I was being struck down with cancer again. To tear all the hard work that Curves and I had done was the worst news a person could receive. ALL the staff rallied behind me and kept in touch with me throughout my grueling recovery yet again.
Four surgeries and two consecutive summers of chemo I am now back to the gym full time. In the beginning I would try to do the circuit in between chemo treatments and the girls would modify my workout to enable me to stay in my routine; at times I spent more time laughing than actually working out but they always managed to keep the moral high so that I would return the following day. Nobody gets left behind; it was a slow comeback but one circuit at a time I grew my strength and my courage to be able to come back full time.
By regaining my strength; I feel like I have control of my body and my life. I have fought through all the setbacks and one of my biggest triumphs was arriving at curves while the staff was holding up my first award shirt. I never thought I could achieve this.and I did.
The progress I have made at curves has helped me maintain a positive attitude and a desire to fight for my life. To walk in and be greeted by enthusiastic supportive staff is wonderful. I cannot imagine maintaining my health, well being and sense of stability without my workout regime and coaches at Curves.
The friendships, the encouragement and the caring; in 30 minutes you really do become the New You.

Ann MacDonald
Dedicated member since 2007


Susan . Posted 05:19 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are my hero and have been for years- this is just another reason why."
Karen R. Posted 06:45 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are my inspiration, when you come in to Curves you brighten up my day. You are the gutsy-est (I know not a word) woman that I know, pain or fatigue never keep you away from Curves Embrun. I am proud to know you Ann, YOU CAN DO IT!"
. Posted 11:09 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Kim . Posted 11:13 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"A true inspiration to your children and an absolute hero to your grand children. Every time things get tough look at their admiring faces and fight...."
Sarah M. Posted 11:21 07/3/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Ann, your story brings tears to my eyes. You inspire ALL of us -- staff and members alike. Your strength and good humour are truly AMAZING!"
Rita W. Posted 10:13 07/15/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are an inspiration! Your courage and grace are awesome and we are all the better for it! Best regards and lots of good wishes for continued progress back to good health."
Cindy S. Posted 05:46 07/18/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Ann, thankfully you are not easily knocked down. Your strength and wonderful sense of humour, I am sure has been your saviour, but it is also what we love about you. "