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Nancy D.


Member Since January 2003

My Story
I suppose you could say I am addicted to Curves!

I have been a regular at my Curves since early 2003, 6& 1/2 years, and have logged in over 1125 workouts. Though I don't have a big weight loss story like some folks do, I am a petite person who has always tried to maintain a trim but healthy weight. Well, that gets a whole lot harder as you get older(!), but Curves has helped me achieve that goal as I go on through my 50s, no yearly weight creep! Here are all the benefits, why CURVES KEEPS ME COMING BACK:

* I am maintaining my target weight even as I get farther along into middle and older age.
* I am so much stronger, even for a small person. When my husband needs help moving a TV or a piece of furniture, I'm actually a help now instead of a hindrance!
* I have so much more stamina. Vacuuming the whole house used to wear me out before I started working out, and now it's a breeze!
* I have dependable stress relief at the end of a tense, stressful day at the office. I just waltz into Curves on my way home and work away the tension. It really does relax me!
* I have a wonderful appetite and enjoy my food so much more than I used to 7 years ago (and can enjoy more of it while still keeping my weight under control.)
* I was diagnosed with low bone density almost 8 years ago. Curves has been one of the reasons my T-Scores are steadily improving, and Im not losing any ground as I get older.
* My total cholesterol had been creeping up over the years, but has gone back down, and my good cholesterol is wonderful. My doctors tell me to just keep doing what I'm doing.
* Thanks to my training on the Squat Machine, I found I was able to help my Mom-In-Law rise up out of a wheelchair a few years ago, when she had both knees in immobilizers after fracturing both of them. She is larger and taller than I am, but I was able to do this, thanks to this muscle training at Curves. I never gripe about the Squat Machine anymore!
* My husband loves my shape that much more, the trim muscles I now have in my arms and legs, instead of just loose flab. I used to have these fatty pads around my elbows and they are totally gone.

There are so many different reasons to make Curves a habit! I need to have a really good reason to skip a weekday workout, like a dental appointment or such. Our Curves location in our area of Jacksonville has to be one of the top ones in the country, and I'm so thankful to Tina and all her staff for all they do for us every day, every week. I am truly addicted to Curves for my health and well-being!

My Photos


Yvonne F. Posted 02:48 07/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Nancy is my daughter, and she got me started at Curves here in Granbury, Texas abut 3 years ago. I am 77 years old and Curves has helped me with strength and endurance. Thanks, Nancy!"
Amy R. Posted 05:53 07/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Nancy is my big sister. She is 10 years older than me and her body puts mine to shame! Curves is 30 miles away for me because I live in the country. I still have one school-aged child. She will be graduating next year, and the first thing I'm going to do is join a carpool going to Curves!"
Bev S. Posted 07:03 07/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I work out with my husband, so we go to co-ed clubs. But based on what I have seen with my sister Nancy, I would be a Curves member if I were working out alone."
Reynolds C. Posted 08:54 07/24/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Nancy what a great narrative! This should inspire everyone considering in making that jump from inactivity to embracing working out on a program. It is never too late. See, your example got your mom going! I'm proud of you! Hugs, Cousin Reynolds"
. Posted 09:51 07/27/2009 - flag as inappropriate
. Posted 09:52 07/27/2009 - flag as inappropriate