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Robin J.


Member Since January 2004

My Story
When I look in the mirror, I still can't believe it's me looking back! I have been a Curves member since January 04. During that first year I lost 90 lbs. and have kept it off! I'm no different than so many other women out there. I've been a yo-yo dieter my entire life and would lose weight to only put it all back on . . . plus more! Then I made a life decision to get a divorce. I would now be living alone and had to be prepared to take care of myself. I already felt my health going downhill and knew the culprit was all the extra weight. I could sit, do nothing and wait until my weight and the depression overcame me or I could make a few more life changes. Thankfully, I made the right choice and decided to do something positive. I began by changing my eating habits and knew I needed to incorporate some kind of exercise into my life. Enter CURVES!!! A major part of my accomplishing and maintaining my goal is due to Curves, the Curves Crew and the Curves members. The people are the best moral support anyone could ever want or need. They never fail to let you know that you are worth it. The exercise regime is one I advanced into as I progressed and now I consider Curves a part of my everyday life. My physical and mental health depend on it! I am living proof that the support of caring people, eating right and a thirty-minute exercise program three days a week can work miracles. THANK YOU CURVES!!!

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Renee C. Posted 11:01 07/13/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"What a nice surprise! I'm pulling for you, Robin; you're so deserving!!"
Delta C. Posted 11:08 07/13/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Thats the way to go Robin!"
Donna B. Posted 03:33 07/13/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Wow! What a story. I'm very proud to be a co-member."
Marie T. Posted 06:20 07/14/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Way to go Robin! I can't imagine you 90 pounds heavier. You are a real inspiration, and I'm so glad I am a Curves member! "
Hiromi C. Posted 11:24 07/15/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Wooow Robin, Amazing! 90 pounds? Keep up your great spirit...people follow...."
Leigh M. Posted 07:26 07/17/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Thank you for telling your story. You are an inspiration to us all."
Jan D. Posted 08:10 07/17/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Good Luck. I'm pulling for you."
Wilda M. Posted 06:49 07/21/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I'm impressed. Great story and great job. Good luck"